Insider tips for a sizzling grilling season


Nothing is more disappointing than trying to grill that perfect steak when your barbecue just won’t heat up and cook the way it used to.

To avoid this, the grilling experts at Broil King offer some helpful tips to get your gas barbecue ready for the season ahead. Here is their advice:

Give your grill a good cleaning
Begin by removing the cooking grids, grates and burners from your grill. Brush the inside of the oven with a sturdy bristle brush to remove the build-up of grease. Using a grill cleaner, scrub the inside and outside of the oven and then rinse with water. Never use oven cleaner on your grill since it is corrosive and can damage the other components.

Check for leaks
Inspect the gas hose to make sure there aren’t any cracks or leaks. This can easily be done by preparing a soapy solution and applying it to the connections at the tank and valve. Turn the tank on slowly and watch for bubbles to form, which indicates that there is a leak. Try tightening the connections and re-test. If persistent leaking or blistering is detected, stop using your grill and replace the gas assembly.

Inspect your burners
Carefully inspect your burners making sure there are no damaged ports or holes rusted through. If there are, it’s time for a replacement. Check all igniter connections to ensure they’re not loose and remove any debris from the components.

Beware of spiders
It’s very important to keep the burner tubes clean. Spiders love to make a nest in these tubes, creating blockages that can cause serious damage. Clean the tubes using a venturi brush, or bottle brush.

Season your grids
Check the cooking grids to make sure no welds are broken and brush off any stuck on residue. If you have cast iron cooking grids, season them with oil to keep food from sticking and to help prevent rust.

Maintain the little things
Finally, check the condition of your control knobs, thermometer, and handles. Replacing small items like this can refresh your gas barbecue and make it look new again.

Taking a bit of time each season to clean and inspect the gas barbecue will prolong its life and will ensure it is reliable for another great barbecue season.

Read more about grilling and get some tasty recipes ideas at