
Grilling Gifts 2020

Sure, 2020 has been a hot dumpster fire of a year. But let’s harness those flames and grill up something amazing with these grilling accessories. Browse our selection of the finest BBQ accessories below! Want some accessory grilling inspiration? Get the recipes behind these images on our website here. Stainless Steel Grill Topper Why use …

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Palmyra Brush

Grill Brush Safety: Cleaning with or without bristles

Wire bristle grill brushes are perceived as a safety hazard, with no shortage of scary articles about adults and children that accidentally ingest a stainless bristle and wind up in the hospital. While the idea of this happening is alarming, it’s completely preventable if you have the right cleaning tool, proper routine, and grill cleaning …

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History of Grilling | Meat Meets Flame & Grills Get Smart

The history of grilling — humans experimenting with temperature, smoke, heat, and apparatuses to cook meat — is fascinating. If you have time, our friends over at have put together a wonderful, in-depth article on the subject. It covers the ancient origins of grilling, the history of the portable grill, the invention of manufactured charcoal briquettes …

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Lunch on Your Grill

Your grill is the most versatile cooking appliance you have at home. It’s the only one that can cook absolutely everything. Let’s take a closer look at the perfect lunch menu and learn about the lighter side of grilling techniques. Sure, you can go all out on lunch and have it rival dinner for complexity and …

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Your grill is the most versatile cooking appliance you have at home. It’s the only one that can cook absolutely everything. Let’s take a closer look at the perfect breakfast menu and learn about breakfast grilling techniques.

We know what you’re thinking. How do I even grill breakfast?

As long as you have the right grill accessories, or at least grill-friendly kitchenware, you can pull off breakfast on a grill. And it’s easier and tastier than you think. Let’s walk through the menu piece-by-piece.

Toasting & Baking

A toaster toasts with radiant heat, but it’s pretty slow at accomplishing its goal. Your gas grill produces a lot more heat, can toast in seconds, and even produces unique sear marks while it’s doing it. Just remember, a little grill power is a lot when you’re toasting bread. One flip is all you need.

Or go a step further and use your grill to bake a fresh loaf of bread before breakfast. Since your grill’s heat can be controlled like an oven’s, it will bake the same way. Use a pizza stone for best results or oil up a cast wok or skillet. You can even bake biscuits using either fresh or store-bought dough. Just follow the instructions and don’t go easy on the butter.


Side, back, or peameal? Here in Southern Ontario we have multiple bacon options and they can all be grilled. Strips of fatty bacon should always be ‘bake-fried’ on a griddle since the griddle will collect the grease from the bacon and keep it out of the fire below.

I choose the terminology ‘bake-fried’ because when your lid is closed, the direct heat from below fries the bacon on the griddle while convective heat within the grill bakes it. It’s basically the best of both worlds and the results are amazing.

When your bacon is nearly done move it from the griddle to the warming rack to drip. It’s a common practice to absorb excess bacon grease with paper towel after it’s cooked, but this can get wasteful. Use your warming rack to do the same thing: let it finish cooking while the grease drips onto the griddle below.

Peameal bacon is an Ontario thing, for the most part. Peameal bacon is a wet-cured, fairly lean pork loin covered in cornmeal. It’s best sliced thin, grilled over direct-heat and smothered in bbq sauce or lightly dusted with some spice. Peameal is the meat of choice for breakfast sandwiches and eggs benedicts around here. Otherwise, peameal bacon can be slow-roasted whole with some smoke from your smoker box. It adds a lot of flavor and stays nice and moist. Apply the same rules to breakfast sausages too.


To grill eggs you need a flat surface like a griddle or pan. Our exact-fit griddle will fit your Broil King perfectly, and it’s the ideal tool for the job. You can grill your bacon and eggs together, as well as some other delicious, fried items. A cast griddle like a cast-iron pan takes on seasoning from oil and grease over time and builds up a great non-stick coating perfect for frying eggs.

Or use any of the oven-safe pans in your kitchen that have metal handles. These pans will work on your grill surface the same way they work on your range-top since they’re cooking over direct, radiant heat. If your grill is fully featured, like a Broil King Regal S590 PRO, you probably also have a side burner that can accommodate any style of pan.

In other words, there’s a lot of ways to fry or scramble an egg on your grill, you can even poach on your grill with a pot of boiling water and vinegar too!

Baked Beans, Sides & More

We love baked beans. It’s a perfect breakfast side and it’s extra-easy to make. Be patient and let them cook down until they’re sticky and starchy.

Regardless of the side that you’ve chosen to grill we probably have an accessory for it. Baked beans or a fruit compote pancake topping can roast away in our cast iron woks or roasting pan. The possibilities are endless.

The main goal is to use the space wisely and Do More with your grill. With a 3 or 4 burner grill you can prepare your entire breakfast on one grilling surface, while cooking in several different styles all at once.

Breakfast Tools

To make that perfect breakfast here’s a quick checklist of tools you’re going to need.

DO MORE With These Unique Breakfast Items